כמה חדשות מהעיתונות הגלובלית
ארצות הברית סין הודו ודרום אפריקה היגיעו לעסקה
Associated Press 18/12/2009 22:25
According to a senior Obama administration official the United States, China, India and South Africa have reached a "meaningful agreement" on climate change Friday evening.
A senior Obama administration official says the US, China, India and South Africa have reached a "meaningful agreement" on climate change. The official characterized the deal as a first step, but said it was not enough to combat the threat of a warming planet. Details of the deal with these emerging economies were not immediately clear. The agreement was reached Friday at the UN climate conference in Copenhagen after a meeting among President Barack Obama and Chinese Premier Wen Jiabao, Indian Prime Minister Manmohan Singh and South African President Jacob Zuma. The official spoke on condition of anonymity because the agreement had not yet been officially announced. (Photo: Scanpix/New York Times)
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Cop15.dk: New draft for Copenhagen deal
Cop15.dk: World leaders in last-minute climate talks
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Cop15.dk: New draft for Copenhagen deal
Cop15.dk: World leaders in last-minute climate talks
Marianne Bom 19/12/2009 - COP-15 site
While the head of China’s climate delegation thought “everyone should be happy”, it was uncertain late Friday night whether the “Copenhagen Accord” agreed by the US, China, South Africa and India would win broader support among countries.
After a ”Copenhagen Accord” was agreed by the US, China, South Africa and India in Copenhagen, it was still unclear by Friday midnight which other countries were willing to support and sign it. US President Barack Obama said the deal would be a foundation for global action but there was "much further to go". The head of China’s climate delegation Xie Zhenhua thought “everyone should be happy”, according to Reuters. An EU spokesperson told BBC News: “What could be agreed today, falls far below our expectations but it keeps our goals and ambitions alive…It was the only deal available in Copenhagen.” Yvo de Boer, Executive Secretary of the UN Climate Change Secretariat, said it was still to be seen how the text would be received by the broader group of countries. “It's great that a small group of leaders gets together and tries to advance the process. But ultimately the way things work here it has to be acceptable to every country," Yvo de Boer said and continued according to Reuters:"If this makes it through the meeting in a couple of hours' time then I see it as a modest success. We could have achieved more." Brazil’s Climate Change Ambassador Sergio Serra called the accord “very disappointing” but not “a failure”. Greenpeace criticized the accord for not having “targets for carbon cuts and no agreement on a legally binding treaty”. Oxfam International called the deal “a triumph of spin over substance. It recognizes the need to keep warming below two degrees but does not commit to do so. It kicks back the decisions on emissions cuts and fudges the issue of climate cash.” The so-called Copenhagen Accord confirms the continuation of the Kyoto Protocol and the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change. It sets a maximum of two degrees Celsius average global temperature rise, and states that a review by 2016 should consider if it will be necessary to limit warming to 1.5 degrees Celsius. On financing, the Copenhagen Accord says developed countries commit collectively to providing 30 billion US dollars in new, additional funding for developing countries for the 2010-2012 period. It also says developed countries support “a goal of mobilizing jointly 100 billion dollars a year” by 2020 from a variety of forces. Developed countries commit to at least 80 percent emissions reductions by 2050 in the accord. Commitments on shorter terms have to be settled later. Supported national mitigation actions will be subject to international measurement, reporting and verification, the accord states. Mitigations actions taken by developed countries will be monitored nationally and reported every second year by guidelines adopted later by the parties to the UN Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC).
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Reuters: Reaction to Copenhagen climate deal
BBC News: Copenhagen deal reaction in quotes
The Copenhagen Accord at www.berlingske.dk
Ynet- עדכון אחרון: 19.12.09,
ארה"ב הגיעה להסכמה עם סין, הודו, ברזיל ודרום אפריקה; ההבנות יהיו בסיס שעל פיו יגובש ההסכם הבינלאומי. בין היתר הוסכם שכל מדינה תצהיר על היקף הפחתת הפליטות שלה, גם אם הדבר לא יחייב אותה משפטית. אובמה: פריצת הדרך היא בהתגייסות של מדינות מתפתחות למאבק בשינוי האקלים. צריך להבין שאצל חלקן יש עדיין תושבים בלי חשמלסוכנויות הידיעות
הניסיונות המרתוניים להגיע להסכם בוועידת קופנהגן הניבו הלילה (שבת) פריצת דרך משמעותית: ארצות הברית הגיעה להסכמה עם ארבע מדינות מפתח: סין, הודו, ברזיל ודרום אפריקה.
מדובר בארבע מדינות המוגדרות מתפתחות, אולם הן כלכלות בתנופה, שפולטות כמות גדולה של גזי חממה ויפלטו הרבה גם בעתיד משום שהתעשייה, התחבורה ואמצעי ייצור החשמל שלהן מיושנים.
ההבנות עם ארבע מדינות אלה יובאו כעת לדיון בפני כלל באי הוועידה, לפני שהם יצביעו על טיוטת הסכם שמתגבשת במקביל. פרשנים מעריכים שזה מה שהיה דרוש כדי להגיע להסכם - גם אם הוא לא יהיה מושלם. עם זאת, כמה מדינות עניות הביעו התנגדות ל"הסכם אובמה", וללא הצבעה פה אחד לא יצא הסכם מהוועידה.
אובמה: זה צעד חשוב קדימה
נשיא ארצות הברית, ברק אובמה, אמר שהוא נאלץ לעזוב את קופנהגן לפני ההצבעה על ההסכם הסופי, אך הוא משוכנע שההבנות שהושגו הן צעד משמעותי קדימה, "גם אם יש עוד הרבה עבודה לפנינו".
נציג סיני בכיר אמר גם הוא שמדובר בהתפתחות חיובית, "וכולם צריכים להיות שמחים על כך... אחרי משא ומתן שני הצדדים הצליחו לשמור על עמדותיהם. עבור הסינים זה היה עניין של ריבונות ואינטרס לאומי".
לעומת זאת, נציג סודן המייצג את מדינות אפריקה כינה את ההסכם "הגרוע ביותר בהיסטוריה".
עדכונים אחרונים מקופנהגן:
אובמה בקופנהגן: לא באתי לדבר, אלא לעשותהיום האחרון לוועידה: ההסכם נראה בהישג יד
פריצת דרך: ארה"ב תתרום כסף למדינות העניות
מסמך שהודלף: מאמצי המדינות לא יעזרו
הנשיא פרס קורא להתגבר על מחלוקות: לזיהום אין דרכון
In Copenhagen, a Last-Minute Deal That Satisfies Few - TIME
By BRYAN WALSH / COPENHAGEN Friday, Dec. 18, 2009
By BRYAN WALSH / COPENHAGEN Friday, Dec. 18, 2009
עיסקה של הרגע האחרון בקופנהגן אשר מרצה רק מעטים
The United Nations climate talks that seemed headed for sure disaster were saved from utter collapse late Friday night in Copenhagen, after leaders from the U.S., India, Brazil, South Africa and China came to an agreement to combat global warming. The deal contained no specifics on emissions cuts, but it did commit the countries to look to keep global warming at 2°C or less and to promise $30 billion in funding to battle climate change by 2012. It also created a framework for international transparency on climate actions for developed and developing nations alike. The agreement is far from perfect — and a long way from what environmentalists were hoping from the Copenhagen summit just a few months ago — but it is a start. "For the first time, all major economies have come together to accept their responsibility to combat climate change," said President Obama, visibly tired after a long day of emergency negotiations in Copenhagen. "This is a consensus that will serve as the foundation for global action against climate change for years to come." cont...
Scramble for the Atmosphere - George Monbiot
Posted December 18, 2009
Posted December 18, 2009
השיחות חסרות התועלת וההרסניות בקופנהגן מראות שמערכת עשיית האמנות כמעת לא השתנתה ב130 השנים האחרונות.
The useless, destructive talks at Copenhagen show that the treaty-making system has scarcely changed in 130 years.By George Monbiot. Published in the Guardian 18th December 2009
First they put the planet in square brackets, now they have deleted it from the text. This is no longer about saving the biosphere: now it’s just a matter of saving face. As the talks melt down, everything that might have made a new treaty worthwhile is being scratched out. Any deal will do, as long as the negotiators can pretend they have achieved something. A clearer and less destructive treaty than the texts currently being discussed would be a sheaf of blank paper, which every negotiating party solemnly sits down to sign(1).
This is the chaotic, disastrous denouement of a chaotic and disastrous summit. The event has been attended by historic levels of incompetence. Delegates arriving from the tropics spent ten hours queuing in sub-zero temperatures without shelter, food or drink, let alone any explanation or announcement, before being turned away. Some people fainted from exposure; it’s surprising that no one died. The process of negotiation is just as obtuse: there’s no evidence here of the innovative methods of dispute resolution developed recently by mediators and coaches, just the same old pig-headed wrestling.
Watching this stupid summit via webcam (I wasn’t allowed in either), it strikes me that cont...
Friends of the Earth U.S. Reaction: Sham Deal Requires Nothing, Accomplishes Nothing
תגובת ידידי כדור הארץ ארה"ב: עסקה מבישה שלא דורשת מאום ומשיגה לא כלום
"Climate negotiations in Copenhagen have yielded a sham agreement with no real requirements for any countries. This is not a strong deal or a just one -- it isn't even a real one. It's just repackaging old positions and pretending they're new. The actions it suggests for the rich countries that caused the climate crisis are extraordinarily inadequate. This is a disastrous outcome for people around the world who face increasingly dire impacts from a destabilizing climate.
"The blame for the failure to achieve a real deal lies squarely on the rich countries whose pollution has caused the climate crisis -- especially the United States. Rich countries refused to budge from the grossly inadequate emissions reduction proposals they brought to Copenhagen, and they failed to put sufficient money on the table so that poor countries that did not cause this crisis have the capacity to cope with it.
"With the future of all humans on this planet at stake, rich countries must muster far more political will than they exhibited here. If they do not, small island states will become submerged, people in vulnerable communities across the globe will be afflicted with hunger and disease, and wars over access to food and water will rage.
"The devastation will extend to those of us who live in wealthy countries. If we cannot find a way to cooperate with others to produce a real agreement to solve this problem, climate change impacts will devastate the U.S. economy, undermine our security, and inflict irreparable harm on future generations.
"The failure to produce anything meaningful in Copenhagen must serve as a wake up call to all who care about the future. It is a call to action. Corporate polluters and other special interests have such overwhelming influence that rich country governments are willing to agree only to fig leaf solutions. This is unacceptable, and it must change.
"Fortunately, while the cost of solving the climate crisis rises each day we fail to act, the crisis remains one that can largely be averted. It is up to the citizens of the world -- especially citizens of the United States, which has so impeded progress -- to mobilize and ensure that true solutions carry the day. I firmly believe that together, we can still achieve a politics in which climate justice prevails.
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