An 80-foot wall of coal at Peabody Energy’s North Antelope Rochelle mine in the Powder River Basin of Wyoming. (Credit: Peabody Energy)

אבל הבלוף הזה הוא כלום לעומת התרמית של פחם נקי
The photo(montage) apperead at
Update the photo been tossed from NYTimes
"June 25, 2008, 5:23 pm
Big Coal Fires Back Over James Hansen’s Criminal Complaint
PHOTO REMOVED (see updates below).
[UPDATE 7/1: Upon consultation with editors here at The Times, we’ve pulled the photograph of a cliff of coal that was provided by Peabody Energy to accompany a Times business-section story in March on rising coal exports and which I used to illustrate this post on Peabody’s response to criticisms of coal companies by James Hansen of NASA. If the editors had known the photo was doctored, they never would have published it (nor would I). Yet more evidence of the benefits of the constant peer review provided on the Web. A tip of hat to the blogger who first noticed the photo stitchery and to the comment contributor and folks at who alerted me.
UPDATE 6/30: Several people, including Gavin Schmidt of, noticed a blogger this morning showed that the image above of the cliff of coal, which had been provided by Peabody to The Times for an article back in March, has some digitally-spliced sections. I sent a note to Vic Svec of Peabody. He said, “It was from a publicity shot so we had touched up a few areas along the coal face (nothing affecting height/width/scale, etc.” I have sent a note on this to our photo editors". i
Big Coal Fires Back Over James Hansen’s Criminal Complaint
PHOTO REMOVED (see updates below).
[UPDATE 7/1: Upon consultation with editors here at The Times, we’ve pulled the photograph of a cliff of coal that was provided by Peabody Energy to accompany a Times business-section story in March on rising coal exports and which I used to illustrate this post on Peabody’s response to criticisms of coal companies by James Hansen of NASA. If the editors had known the photo was doctored, they never would have published it (nor would I). Yet more evidence of the benefits of the constant peer review provided on the Web. A tip of hat to the blogger who first noticed the photo stitchery and to the comment contributor and folks at who alerted me.
UPDATE 6/30: Several people, including Gavin Schmidt of, noticed a blogger this morning showed that the image above of the cliff of coal, which had been provided by Peabody to The Times for an article back in March, has some digitally-spliced sections. I sent a note to Vic Svec of Peabody. He said, “It was from a publicity shot so we had touched up a few areas along the coal face (nothing affecting height/width/scale, etc.” I have sent a note on this to our photo editors". i
Abut a therd 4/13 of the left side of the photo is copied and I don't see any shadow near the car so I suspect that “It was from a publicity shot so we had touched up a few areas along the coal face (nothing affecting height/width/scale, etc.” is nots so precise. i
Click on the photo to enlarge
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