
Idea for a correct Fridays For Future Statement on Peace and War

 ***The position of Fridays For Future regarding the war in Gaza, the war in Ukraine and all other wars:

Immediately stop all sort of violence, make full and complete disarmement and ensure safe and just peace for all.Without it all wars will ende by annihilation of all sides involved because without it, without international cooperation we cannot stop climate change and the IPCC has said it many times.One of the reasons is that we can not stop climate change without limit consumption.We have more than enough and poverty exist because it is not distributed fairly, so we can solve poverty and reduce consumption in the same time if wealth will be distributed fairly.For example, climate justice is partly about money transmission to low income countries from the high income (who become high income because they burned a lot of fossil fuels) for that those low income will leave their fossil fuels in the grownd even if it can bring money.But if war will not stop, every country will search to increase it consumption how much more for create higher military potential, for crash it adversaires militarily and economically and such distribution will not be possible.

Another reason is that the money that could help to stop climatew change is going on war. 2.25 trillion as for 2022. Wars will lead to an ecological disaster and dissapearing of all sides involved if not being stopped.

We call to all activists to demand Stop war! Safe and Just Peace for all! Global Peace and Disarmement Now!***


When it cames to climate change the first to blame are the first to suffer

source: https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/science-environment-56941979

Of course this statement is contradictory to the widespread opinion, including in the scientific community. But I have seriouse reasons to think it is true and the widespread opinion is because it is difficult to people in contemporary society to say " Money is bad" Money make people unhappy" and so on. This is one of the reasons making those people take wrong decisions.


It is known that this pandemic has a direct relation to the ecological crisis especially to climate change, deforestation and wildlife trade. I checked and found that from the beginning of the pandemic and untill March 2022 at least 5 billionaires (
António Vieira MonteiroMikhail KhimichStanley CheraBolu - Akin - OlugbadeOleg Bourlakovdied because of it, what makes around  0.18%  from the overall amount (around 2700).

In the same period around 6 million people died from the pandemic what make around 0.075% from the overall amunt (8 billion). The mortality rate among billionaires is 2.5 times higher than the average, due probably to old age, high mobility, obesity. If nature destruction will continue, worse viruses can appear that will probably also impact more those social groups.

Also the COVID-19 mortality in poor Bhutan was  hundreds times lower than in rich USA, due to not-money-firts policy about lockdowns, lower mobility, air pollution, obesity. Not 15 times but hundreds times.

As in Bhutan with little more than 700,000 population by March 2022 were  12 death from COVID-19 it makes aroud 0.002% or a Bhutan inhabitant have 90 times more chances to survive than an average billionaire.

In Kiribaty who has 13 deaths by March 2022 from a population of 130,000 what makes around 0.01 or 18 times more chances for survivle than a billionaire. Of course the rate of mortality depends directly on how much you prefer life to money and untill February 2022 Kiribaty, for example, did not have any deaths from COVID-19, probably due to lockdowns etc. For the same reasons Bhutan untill January 2022 has only 3 deaths.

General health problems

In the past year 29 billionaires died.  From 2668. Around 1.1%. In average each year 67.1 millions people die from a population of 8 billions. Around 0.85%. Why this happens? Because of age and maybe unhealthy life style.

But exactly people in this age are more vulnerable to climate hazards. Cardiovascular problems, respiratory diseases, cancer - all this are part of the main troubles for those people and all this is between the main effects of climate change. Air pollution for example increase all this and in this year in Canada 140,000 square kilometers of forest was burned covering north America with a tick layer of smog. This compared to around 10,000 square kilometers in the poor Brazil, because of the not-money-first policy of Lula and because the forest in the global north are less used to heat and dryiness therfore burn more...

And if enter into a house with air conditioning and not go out? But most of current health problems are because of this - Sedentary lifestyle, Indoor pollution. In
door air can be two to five times more polluted than the air outdoors. The more artificial emvironment you build the more artificial chemicals you need...

Living in the suburbs with more greenery/countryside

Today rich people generally prefere to live in suburbs with more greenery or in the countryside, often in wood houses, while the poor live in concrete houses in dence cities. The first is considered as more healthy and prevent the effects of urban heat island but those houses are more vulnerable to wildfires, hurricanes, floods.

  Hurricane harvey damaged 203,000 houses probably mostly not concrete blocks.

Living near the shore

Today rich people often live near the cost therfore more vulnerable to sea level rise that less high income people who live 500 kilometers inland.


"it's not just whether or not people who are just trying to get by in these homes in these alleys here working their butts off do well — it's people in high towers along the shore will find that as this rain and all this change takes place in the groundwater, the buildings are actually beginning to tilt. Hundred-story buildings. This goes so far beyond what anybody is willing to speak to up to now,"
Biden said during this remarks from Queens, New York.

Less used to extremes

Scientists remarked that for example the limit of tolerable wet bulb temperature depends among other on how much the person is used to high temperatures. Thesame is probably true for others extrme also. probably high income people are less used to extremes.

Planes and other accidents

More often than others high income people are suffering from plane accidents, because they use them more. Those increased due to climate change. Probably storms, dust storms and so on affect also other types of transport but planes especially.

Sea level rise higher in rich countries

Europe and the 
U.S. East Coast, receives a sea level rise 3–4 times the global average. Considering latest findings about the West Antacrctic Ice Sheet the previouse numbers should be multiplied by 2. It means the sea level can rise by 44 centimeters by the year 2050, but in those regions it will be more than 1.5 meter. 

Place with many money also have significant land subsidence due to load of high buildings, extraction of oil, gas and water. This do not happen in island nations like Kiribaty for example or with indigenouse people.

Houston the center of shale oil and gas industry is sinking at around 2 centimeters per year (60 centimeters in 30 year) due to land subsidence for example. Some neighborhoods are sinking at 5 centimeters per year (1.5 meter in 30 years). The city of 
Tianjin, China, is sinking at a rate of 5.22 centimeters per year (1.6 meters in 30 years).

 the western part of the Gulf coast will see 10 times as many moderate flooding events a year compared with now, for example, while the risk of such flooding will edge up only slightly in Alaska and Hawaii."

The first is richer than the second and the third of course.

The countries with the highest environmental footprint per capita are the most vulnerables

The country with the highest number of environmental disasters is the United States of America.

The continent which is warming the fastest is Europe.

The oil rich countries in the Persian Gulf have the highest environmental footprint per capita and are the most vulnerable to heat waves - the most common effect of climate change. Due to little territory and very hot and humide climate they can easily become uninhabitable.

The  money betray the billionaires

No doctor will said to a billionaire that its emissions are endangering its health because he know that he can loose his patiente, even his job in this case. Sadly, they take example from the billionaires and more interested in getting money from them that in their sake.

Why have I written all this?

Because seems that some billionaires are still do not understand what is the solution to ecological crisis , often increase emission unwillingly trying to solve it withour reduce GDP, making it not only for altruistic aims (reducing poverty and so on what is also false, because it creates the opposite), but also from egoistic thinking falsly that it will increase their life level.

This false assumption is partially based on the false assumption that make some scientists that are "do not see do not heare do not speak" when it going about admit that money can be bad. Not by bad intention but because of  correlated education... I want to explain that it will be better for billionaires to change the system for zero emissions because seems that not all understand it.

For me as a person who believes in God and believes that except the rules meaning do no harm to people he gave also some rules about how threat animals it is only natural: people begin to violate those rules 5000 years ago for produce more than they need what led to conflicts betwen people and now it is reached a level when if people not change their habits the entire creation is in danger. It is only naturally that God interviene and that the first to blame are the first to suffer. But others do not understand it, so I gave some proofs.