

Idea for a correct Fridays For Future Statement on Peace and War

 ***The position of Fridays For Future regarding the war in Gaza, the war in Ukraine and all other wars:

Immediately stop all sort of violence, make full and complete disarmement and ensure safe and just peace for all.Without it all wars will ende by annihilation of all sides involved because without it, without international cooperation we cannot stop climate change and the IPCC has said it many times.One of the reasons is that we can not stop climate change without limit consumption.We have more than enough and poverty exist because it is not distributed fairly, so we can solve poverty and reduce consumption in the same time if wealth will be distributed fairly.For example, climate justice is partly about money transmission to low income countries from the high income (who become high income because they burned a lot of fossil fuels) for that those low income will leave their fossil fuels in the grownd even if it can bring money.But if war will not stop, every country will search to increase it consumption how much more for create higher military potential, for crash it adversaires militarily and economically and such distribution will not be possible.

Another reason is that the money that could help to stop climatew change is going on war. 2.25 trillion as for 2022. Wars will lead to an ecological disaster and dissapearing of all sides involved if not being stopped.

We call to all activists to demand Stop war! Safe and Just Peace for all! Global Peace and Disarmement Now!***